November 13:- 25º Aniversário da Morte do Mestre Pastinha
November 20:- Dia de Conciencia Negra (Comemoração do Assassínio do Zumbí dos Palmares)
Monday NOV 13: Dia do Pastinha (Class 7 - Instituto Palmeiras)
Monday’s class will be open to family and friends of Instituto Palmeiras. Class will include a celebration of Pastinha’s life and legacy and a roda featuring his signature ladainha ‘Maior é Deus’.
Thursday NOV 16: NOVO: Roda & Festival (SAC @ UWI)
The evening’s activities will feature both Angola and Regional styles of Capoeira and will culminate with a showing of two films- “Manuscitos e Desenhos: Mestre Pastinha” and “Mandinga em Manhattan” and a short interactive discussion on both films. The Open Roda to be held at SAC will accompany the private presentation and discussion of “Mandinga em Manhattan”.
Monday NOV 20: Closing of NOVO (Class 8 - Instituto Palmeiras/CCA7)
NOVO will culminate with class 8 at Instituto Palmeiras. Following a shortened class, capoeiristas will participate in the commemoration of Zumbi dos Palmares through the ARTE E LIBERDADE RODA AT CCA7.
Instituto Palmeiras is for everyone who is genuinely interested in the art and culture of Capoeira (de) Angola. Capoeira Angola is a martial art that demands style and personality, superior poise and balance, mental resilience, love of knowledge, and that elusive magical quality called Mandinga.
Instituto Palmeiras is dedicated primarily to the ‘divulgação’ of the martial art of Capoeira de Angola. One of the greatest expressions of culture, art and social resistance developed by the African Diaspora during its presence in the Americas, Capoeira contains over 300 years of oral and performed history and bears significant resemblance to forms endemic to the Caribbean such as Damyé (Martinique), Stickfighting/Calinda (Trinidad) and Rumba (Cuba). The art of Capoeira encompasses language (incl. Arabic, Kikongo, Yoruba, Bunda, Brazilian Portuguese), music and poetry, spiritual arts incl. meditation, instrument manufacture, martial strategy, weaponry, history, dance, acrobatics, and performance.
1. Negativa. Capoeira Angola is an adventurous, but defensive martial art where creative security is considered more than twice as important as perfect attacks. Because no attack is perfect.
2. Devagar, devagarinho... We learn by slowing down and dissecting the most complex movements, opponents and sequences into simpler elements.
3. Arte e Liberdade. A former name of Grupo Muiraquitã, we value the artistic and philosophical elements of Capoeira Angola as well as the physical discipline required to live free.
4. Jogo bonito é o que eu quero ver. Even while respecting differences, students and instructors will be judged by the quality of their performances in class and in the Roda.
5. Nzinga. We act quickly and respond effectively to chaotic situations, even if this means changing direction and pace, stopping, or beginning again. This is Capoeira Angola.
6. Grande e pequeno sou eu. Each member of Instituto Palmeiras is expected to form the vanguard of the discipline of Capoeira Angola. A monthly Roda, open to all Capoeiristas, will test our talent and competence after applying what we learn in shorter closed rodas.
7. Clear Objectives and Flexibility will guide our classes, months and seasons. We keep in mind that our horizon in Capoeira is beyond 25 years.
8. Zero Tolerance for sexual harassment, discrimination, unethical use and demonstration of the art form, and Capoeiristas who don’t have a strong sense of humour.
Location: 50 Watts Street, Curepe. For directions, e-mail or call Café at 868-375-8707.
Training Cost: 150TT per month. Fees are payable on the fourth Monday of each month.
Class Times and Duration: Classes will be held once a week until the last week in November 2006, at which point alternative arrangements may be made. Classes will be held between 5.45 pm to 7.30 pm. Days, times and frequency of classes remain flexible, however classes will be held on Mondays unless otherwise indicated. The instructor would arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of classes to prepare the space.
Class Size: Given the nature of the art form and the style of the instructor, it is preferable that only five persons (including the instructor) will train at any one time. Total attendance may be as large as ten, however, given the possibility of visits by Mestres, instructors, demonstrators of other art forms, students of other schools, or persons wanting to ‘try out’ the class.
Alternate Sites: If the Training Space is not available due to weather or other constraints, classes may be held at the Educational Space upstairs. On occasion, classes would be held in off-site open spaces (e.g. beaches, parks etc.) or specialised areas (e.g. audio-visual rooms, gymnasia).
Safety and Security: Instructors will be responsible for the security of the premises and person and property of the participants during and immediately following classes. While an effort will be made to provide First Aid equipment and expertise, instructors will not be liable for any injuries suffered in the course of training or competition.
Additional Equipment/Materials: Linguistic equipment and audio-visual materials for use in Instituto Palmeiras will be provided solely by BRAVO Language Services Ltd., the parent company of Instituto Palmeiras. Appropriate clothing and footwear, travel and refreshments will be the sole responsibility of participants in the class.
Funding: Instituto Palmeiras is pleased to accept gifts from individuals, foundations, non-governmental organisations and businesses, as long as these donations promote or maintain the independence or integrity of the institution. Instituto Palmeiras does not accept direct funding from governmental or inter-governmental agencies, except in relation to the funding of research related to the history and art of Capoeira.
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