
About Instituto Palmeiras (redirected from Instituto Palmeiras Principles)

Page history last edited by Contramestre Café (Chanzo Greenidge) 4 years, 6 months ago
















Instituto Palmeiras is dedicated primarily to the ‘divulgação’ of the martial art of Capoeira de Angola.


Capoeira Angola is a martial art that demands style and personality, superior poise and balance, mental resilience, curiosity and that elusive and sensual quality called Mandinga.   Capoeira contains over 300 years of oral and performed history and bears significant resemblance to African Diaspora art forms such as Damyé (Martinique), Baton Artibonite (Haiti) and Rumba (Cuba).




The art of Capoeira encompasses language (incl. Arabic, Kikongo, Yoruba, Kimbundu, Brazilian Portuguese), music and poetry, spiritual arts incl. meditation, instrument manufacture, martial strategy, weaponry, history, dance, acrobatics, and performance.













Location: 50 Watts Street, Curepe.  We are also located on Facebook, where we promote events and information relevant to Capoeira to some 500 members: http://www.facebook.com/groups/9659931006/


Languages: We primarily work in English and Brazilian Portuguese.  You can also communicate with us in French, Spanish, Italian, German and Tagalog.


Fees: 15 USD per class; 70 USD per month


Class Times and Duration: Classes are held between 5.45 pm to 7.30 pm. Days, times and frequency of classes remain flexible, however classes will be held on Mondays and Saturdays unless otherwise indicated.  Individual tuition is available upon request.


Class Size: Given the nature of the art form and the style of the instructor, it is preferable that only five persons (including the instructor) will train at any one time. Total attendance may be as large as ten, however, given the possibility of visits by Mestres, instructors, demonstrators of other art forms, students of other schools, or persons wanting to ‘try out’ the class.


Safety and Security: Instructors will be responsible for the security of the premises and person and property of the participants during and immediately following classes. While an effort will be made to provide First Aid equipment and expertise, instructors will not be liable for any injuries suffered in the course of training or competition.


Additional Equipment/Materials: Linguistic equipment and audio-visual materials for use in Instituto Palmeiras will be provided solely by BRAVO Language Services Ltd., the parent company of Instituto Palmeiras. Appropriate clothing and footwear, travel and refreshments will be the sole responsibility of participants in the class.


Funding: Instituto Palmeiras is pleased to accept gifts from individuals, foundations, non-governmental organisations and businesses, as long as these donations promote or maintain the independence or integrity of the institution. Instituto Palmeiras does not accept direct funding from governmental or inter-governmental agencies, except in relation to the funding of research related to the history and art of Capoeira.


Instituto Palmeiras is an associate of Sport4Dev and the Centro Esportivo Virtual.  We also work with the Capoeira Association of Trinidad and Tobago (CATT). Our Mestre, Mestre Bezzerra lives and teaches in Belém, Capital of Para State in Northern Brazil.  Instituto Palmeiras promotes individual involvement and growth based on respect for your Mestre, instructors and fellow capoeiristas. Capoeira is a reflection of the world and society around us, it is a collectives' social reconstruction and experience. Each capoeirista contributes to this reconstruction with his/her own baggage of knowledge and skills. These are reflected in a personal and unique approach to the game, the music, the inter-relation with others and life in general.



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